Sarah’s Adventures in Couponing – Stacking & Scouting the Savings at the Grocery Store

My children often accompany me to the grocery store and usually mid-store my 4 year old gets bored or comes down with a case of the “I wants”.. you know.. ” I want this” and ” I want that”. Drives me NUTS! Especially since I grocery shop on a money saving mission. My son is 2 and mid-store begins to lose it! He is bored to tears and would rather scream and throw things from the cart than sit patiently as we finish shopping.

So a few weeks ago I mentioned that my 4 year old likes to help me clip coupons. She loves it and understands that the little pieces of paper that we are clipping are like money at the grocery store. I was trying to think of ways to keep her as involved at the store in the couponing experience as she is at home when I thought up the idea to keep her in charge of matching the coupons to the stuff on the shelf.

Since most coupons have the brand logo or picture of the product on the coupon this has now becomes a fun matching game. I hand her a few coupons for stuff in a particular aisle and she scouts the aisle for the goods.

My 2 year old has a job now too. He is in charge of organizing the cart. She finds the stuff on the shelf and he puts it in the cart and organizes everything so it fits. He stacks and unstacks things then hands me the groceries at the checkout.

Everyone has a job and our grocery trip has become a little easier… a little longer, but MUCH easier!

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