Sun & Earth GIVEAWAY!!!

Last week, The Chester County Moms Blog was invited to the Sun & Earth offices in King of Prussia, PA to meet with their AWESOME team and get a very fun, kid-oriented tour of the plant where they manufacture all of their safe, natural, non-toxic cleaning products. Our kids even got to decorate their own bottles of Sun & Earth All Purpose Spray Cleaner and watch their bottles go down the filling line!

Sun & Earth is serious about the environment! After many years of watching advertisements claiming that petro-chemicals with mysterious names were the best way to clean house, Sun & Earth set out to prove that non-toxic cleaners can clean as well or better than more well-known national brands. They knew people wanted products made with non-toxic ingredients that didn’t sacrifice performance. After extensive research, they developed cleaners that clean and shine beautifully and have an appealing fresh citrus scent. Their cleaning agents are from plant, fruit and vegetable oils that are non-toxic to your family and safe for the Earth.

Not only are their products environmentally friendly and safe for our families as well as incomparably effective, but Sun & Earth is a local company. By purchasing their fantastic range of products, you are getting all of the benefits of supporting a local business AND further helping the earth by not buying products that had to be shipped from great distances just to reach you. You can find Sun & Earth products locally at area Giant and Acme markets. You can also purchase Sun & Earth products directly from their website! Don’t have Sun & Earth products in your local market??? Request it by name!

We’d love for you to give Sun & Earth products a try… we KNOW you won’t be disappointed. In fact, we have an awesome Sun & Earth goodie bag to give away to 2 lucky Chester county Moms Blog readers! This bag is stuffed with full-size bottles of many of Sun & Earth’s best selling products, including:

Sun & Earth All Purpose Spray Cleaner

Sun & Earth 2X Concentrated Laundry Detergent

Sun & Earth Ultra Fabric Softener

“New” Sun& Earth Xtra Concentrated Dishwashing Liquid

Sun & Earth Liquid Hand Soap

Sun & Earth Dishwasher Detergent Pacs

Sun & Earth On the Spot! Instant Stain Remover

And, all of this comes in a fantastic reusable, foldable Sun & Earth Bag!

**These giveaway bags are valued at over $45, folks! Don’t miss out on a chance to win these fantastic cleaning products. All you need to do is leave us a comment in this post telling us your favorite Sun & Earth product. If you haven’t tried them out yet, take a peek at their website, and tell us what product you’d most like to try first! Make sure your entry has your email address included, please!

This giveaway will close on Tuesday, March 24th at Midnight. The 2 lucky winners will be announced on Wednesday, March 25th. This contest is open to Chester County residents only. One entry per person. All duplicate entries will be deleted. And, again, please remember to include your email in your post!**

Good luck and safe cleaning!

20 Responses to “Sun & Earth GIVEAWAY!!!”

  1. Deb Soderland Says:

    I haven't tried any of the products, but I am always looking for natural products to use around the house. With a 2 year old in the house I think the instant stain remover would probably be the most useful.

  2. Says:

    I haven't tried any of these products yet, but am intrigued. The on the spot instant stain remover sounds awesome. Thanks for doing these giveaways so that more people can be introduced to your products.

  3. Lindsay Lebresco (Graco) Says:

    I've actually only ever used their spray cleaner because I didn't know the others existed but I look forward to trying them. It's funny because I've actually used Sun & Earth long before it was “in” to go “organic” if you will- I actually used it because it cleaned really well! Imagine that! πŸ™‚
    I had no idea they were local either- gotta love that!

  4. Erika Says:

    I use Sun & Earth Dryer Sheets. We all have such sensitive skin and I can't go without sheets (too much static in winter) I love the citrus scented ones. Can't wait to try so many other products

  5. Susan Says:

    I would most want to try their all purpose cleaner.

  6. thedunnfamily Says:

    Haven't heaqrd of them either, but always searching for a “kid” friendly all purpose cleaner- This is agreat- thanks!

  7. Robin Says:

    I love the laundry detergent- appropriate for use in an HE machine and the citrus scent is AWESOME! I didn't realize they were local- all the better.

  8. Anonymous Says:

    trying to get rid of the chemicals I have in the house. . and NEED something that can actually clean and not just “wet” so to speak! Looking forward to trying this stuff!

    dawn dot fuchs at Verizon dot net

  9. Sharon Ford Says:

    I have used their all purpose spray cleaner as well as their dishwashing liquid. I love the smell and it works well. I am a big fan of natural cleaners!

  10. lori Says:

    I haven't tried any of the products yet, but would definitely like to! I have 2 little kids and a dog, so I'm looking to use safer products in my house. I'd probably prefer to either try the window cleaner or the all-purpose cleaner first, as well as the hand soap.

  11. ChrisStu Says:

    i haven't tried the products, but i'm really interested in most of them, especially the liquid hand soap!!! thanks for the giveaway, what a great way to get the word out on the products!

  12. Carolyn G Says:

    I haven't tried these products but would like to. I am starting to switch over to green products and these look great. I would love to the window cleaner.

  13. Anonymous Says:

    I would most like to try the dishwasher detergent.

  14. RachelC Says:

    I have tried the dishwashing liquid and loved it. Would love to try more!

  15. Chrissy Says:

    I love the laundry detergent- it works wonders! Thanks for the chance to win πŸ™‚

  16. sarah Says:

    I'll tweet it now. Thanks! Looks interesting.

  17. Rachel Says:

    What a great giveaway! I am definitely starting to use more all natural, non-toxic products and would love to try any and all of these products, especially around my two young kids. Thanks!

  18. Anonymous Says:

    I thought I left a post, but I don't think it went thru. I'm new to blogging. I would love to try the stain remover. My kids always get food on their clothes. The field trip sounded fun. Is it open to moms groups?

  19. Anonymous Says:

    I would like to try their dishwasher packs because I'm having trouble finding an eco-friendly one that works.

  20. Erica D Says:

    I have used their dryer sheets, and they do a great job and I like that they are a green product!

    eduske at comcast dot net

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